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August 12-15th 2013, Montevideo, Uruguay

This forum for countries in Latin American and the Caribbean will focus on key issues in population and development in the context of the Beyond 2014 Review of the ICPD Program of Action.

An extensive survey carried out among UNECLAC member States has gathered evidence about progress and challenges in implementing the ICPD Program of Action. The regional report summarizing the results of the survey will be launched at the Conference, and participants will discuss future policy directions based on the report's findings.

Key conference themes:

  • Rights, needs and demands of adolescents and youth.
  • Ageing, social protection and socio-economic challenges
  • Gaps in universal access to sexual and reproductive health services and gender equality
  • Territorial inequality, space mobility and environmental sustainability
  • International migration and the protection of the rights of all migrants
  • Indigenous and afro-descendant populations: multiculturalism and rights