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Media Coverage of SWOP2013

Media Coverage of SWOP2013


Media Coverage of SWOP2013

calendar_today 09 November 2013

The State of the World Population 2013, "Motherhood in Childhood: Facing the Challenge of Adolescent Pregnancy," examines the circumstances that often lead to adolescent pregnancy and provides new statistics on the impact of adolescent pregnancy on girls' health, education and future economic productivity

Every day, 20,000 girls below age 18 give birth in developing countries. Nine in 10 of these births occur within marriage or a union. If current trends continue, the number of births to girls under 15 could rise to 3 million a year in 2030. The State of World Population 2013, "Motherhood in Childhood: Facing the Challenge of Adolescent Pregnancy," examines the circumstances that often lead to adolescent pregnancy and provides new statistics on the impact of adolescent pregnancy on girls' health, education and future economic productivity.
The report published by UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, on October 30, 2013, highlights the main challenges of adolescent pregnancy and its serious impacts on girls' education, health and long-term employment opportunities. The report also shows what can be done to curb this trend and protect girls' human rights and well-being.

The digital copy of the report can be found here:

We would like to thank all our media partners who supported us and the efforts taken to get the word out about the challenges of adolescent pregnancy. 
The article was published both offline and online and please find below the link to online articles.

- Muscat Daily: November 04, 2013, Monday 

- Oman Daily Observer: November 04, 2013, Monday

- Times of Oman: November 06, 2013, Wednesday