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On 5-7th of September 2022, the UNFPA GCC held the fourth edition of the gender mainstreaming capacity building workshop in cooperation with Oman Ministry of Social Development (MoSD). More than 45 participants including head of directorates, chief officers from remote governorates in the country, Focal Points from other relevant ministries and representatives of civil society organizations took part in this 3-days workshop to build their capacities in order to ensure the nationalization of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5  on women empowerment and its indicators,  and assure gender equality and parity in the national programmes to meet the needs of the marginalized social groups and leave no one behind by minimizing the social structure barriers, and anchor the gender equality approach in the strategic work plans of the respective public entities and national stakeholders. The training highlighted the Nairobi Summit outcomes and the linkages between ICPD PoA and the work of MoSD as well as the Development Agenda 2030 topping the national development strategies.