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UNFPA Visit KSA for Collaborative Projects

UNFPA Visit KSA for Collaborative Projects


UNFPA Visit KSA for Collaborative Projects

calendar_today 01 November 2011

The Acting Representative Mr. Asr Toson from the UNFPA met with High Level officials in KSA for discussions of possible collaborations between the UNFPA and corresponding parties for future projects, from the 14-19 of October 2011.

The first mission took place to Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from October, 14th-19th 2011. The GCC Area Office was represented by Acting Representative, Mr. Asr Toson and Programme Associate, Mr. Salah Al-Saleh.

High level meetings occured to introduce UNFPA's mandate, enhance the visibility of the GCC Area Office, revive existing partnerships and establish new contacts in the governmental and non-governmental sector.

The mission's goals were to:

  •  Introduce UNFPA and its mandate.
  •  Enhance the visibility of the GCC Area office.
  •  Follow up on ongoing missions in the framework of the Trust Fund with Ministry of Economy and Planning, Central Department of Statistics and Information (CDSI).
  •  Introduce and promote the idea of Trust Fund agreements to other ministries and explore the possibility of establishment as per the existing one with the Ministry of Economy and Planning.
  •  Revive contacts to existing partners.
  •  Establish new contacts to various governmental and non-govermental parties to explore areas of potential work collaborations within UNFPA's mandate.