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Newsletter - Volume I, Issue II


The second issue of the quarterly newletter published in September 2012; focusing on recent youth and regional activities.




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Newsletter - Volume I, Issue I


GCC Area Office launches the first issue of its quarterly newsletter. Please download and enjoy! We welcome comments.




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State of World Population 2012


All human beings-regardless of age, sex, race or income-are equal in dignity and rights. Yet 222 million women in developing countries are unable to exercise the human right to voluntary family planning.

This flagship report analyzes data and trends to understand who is denied access and why. It examines challenges in expanding access to family planning. And it considers the social and economic impact of family planning as well as the costs and savings of making it available to everyone who needs it.

The report asserts that governments, civil society, health providers and communities have the responsibility to protect the right to family planning for women across the spectrum, including those who are young or unmarried.

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Characteristics of Age Structure 2010


أظهر التعداد العام الأول لل�سكان عام 1993م أن املجتمع العماين هو جمتمع فتي ترتفع فيه معدالت الإعالة نتيجة الرتفاع ن�سبة الأطفال دون �سن اخلام�سة ع�سر. وقد �ساهمت بيانات هذا التعداد يف ت�سليط ال�ضوء على التحديات ال�سكانية التي �سيواجهها املجتمع يف ظل ارتفاع معدالت 

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State of World Population 2011


Seven billion people will inhabit the earth as of 31 October 2011.

This year's State of World Population report, People and Possibilities in a World of 7 Billion, looks at the dynamics behind the numbers. It explains the trends that are defining our world of 7 billion and documents actions that people in vastly different countries and circumstances are taking to make the most of their--and our--world.

The report makes the case for sound planning and investing in people.

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