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UNFPA GCC Quarterly Newsletter [Jan-March 2017] / Volume IV- Issue I

The newsletter of the First Quarter of year 2017 

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UNFPA GCC Quarterly Newsletter [Oct-Dec 2016] / Volume V- Issue IV

 UNFPA GCC Quarterly Newsletter [Oct-Dec 2016] / Volume V- Issue IV ...

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UNFPA GCC Newsletter

UNFPA GCC Quarterly Newsletter [July- September 2016]

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UNFPA GCC Newsletter

UNFPA GCC Quarterly Newletter  April- June 2016 

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Points of Contention and Paths of Opportunities

This paper was inspired above all by the meeting of leading thinkers from different religious traditions convened by UNFPA, in Istanbul and then in New York in the course of 2...

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Facts and Figures- UNFPA regional overview, Arab States

This document highlightes UNFPA success stories and achievements in numbers in the Arab States. 

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UNFPA GCC newsletter

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Kimoon, made an official visitation to Oman on 1 st -2 nd of February 2016. High profile with complex schedule of meetings coupled with an exte...

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SRH and HIV Linkages Compendium: Indicators and Related Assessment Tools

While there are many separate indicators related to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and HIV, a key challenge has been the lack of internationally agreed indicators...

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State of World Population Report

State of World Population 2015

Shelter From The Storm - A transformative agenda for women and girls in a crisis-prone world. We live in a world where humanitarian crises extract mounting costs from economie...

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