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Y-PEER is a youth network of young people from more than 700 non-profit organizations and government agencies in more than 50 countries, including GCC, initiated by the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) on the use of an integrated approach to working with young people, with the active participation of young people themselves. International Y-PEER network was established by interdepartmental group on youth, development and protection of the UN and with the support of UNFPA, which supported the young people in their need to train young people on health, in particular reproductive health and rights (RHR) issues. In many countries, the issue of young people’s awareness about these topics is very serious, as very often young men and women are not supported by adults or face with a number of myths. It is very difficult for them to talk about it with the older, and peers are not always sufficiently aware. Therefore, Y-PEER educates young people by using the principle of peer-to-peer, where young people learn about their reproductive health from the same young people as they are. The activists of the Y-PEER, attend valuable training sessions and workshops, before distributing information among peers. Training techniques of Y-PEER are tailored to the needs of young people and based on interactive methods, including music, dance, film and theater.

Y-PEER in GCC countries

As part of the UNFPA’s mandate to engage youth and mainstream gender equality, UNFPA GCC office has introduced the Youth Peer Education network (Y-PEER) in the GCC region, which is considered one of the CO success stories. The Y-PEER network volunteers are young people from all sectors of society, who help support the community by educating their peers. Their main areas of focus are healthy life style, voluntarism, HIV/AIDS awareness, reproductive health, life skills education and any other youth relevant topics. 

It has been gratifying to witness the substantive progress, at many levels, in attitudes and behaviour relating to population development, Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDs and gender over the past decade in GCC region through the establishment of UNFPA Sub-Regional office.

Well rooted in its current successes, GCC office is looking forward to continue with its efforts in addressing national development goals of GCC governments, while brokering UNFPA vast knowledge and expertise to better inform decision makers of adequate and timely data aiming at population development issues.

UNFPA GCC has been supporting and providing training to Y-PEER Bahrain and Oman Networks on National, Regional and International level to participate and raise awareness on all youth and general public relevant issues including P&D, FP, RH, HIV/AIDS, Breast Cancer, Road Safety, Drug Abuse and Risks, Environment, Gender, Youth Empowerment and other topics. It also provided support for Y Peers to participate in UAE events related to Y-Peer mandate and activities.

The partners, which implement and support the related Y-PEER activities are Ministries of Health in the respective countries, Ministries of Social Development, National Youth Committees, Scouts & Guides, Private Sector, Civil Society Associations (e.g. Oman Association for the Disabled (OAD) and  Oman Women Association, Environment Society of Oman, Clean Up Oman), among others.

In 2007, UNFPA GCC Launched Y-PEER Bahrain website and Y-PEER Bahrain network to build the capacity of the network members there and educate youth on RHR, gender equality and HIV/AIDS.

UNFPA GCC Continues to empower young people, through establishment of Y-PEER networks, to take initiative and responsibility for their own future, and train youth from different levels of society by building their capacity in peer education in order to encourage and promote civic engagement.



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